May 18, 2016

Weight loss surgery to treat diabetes

Weight loss surgery is a treatment to cure diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 21 million people in the United States have type 2 diabetes.  About fifty four million are estimated to have elevated blood sugar levels and are classified as having “pre-diabetes.”  Most  cases of type 2 diabetes are a result of being overweight.  By being overweight the body does not respond appropriately to blood levels of insulin, and in some people the insulin levels are lower than normal.  This leads to the body being unable to regulate its blood sugars appropriately.
Several studies have shown that weight loss surgery can cure type II diabetes.  A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2004 showed that type II diabetes was eliminated in nearly 77% of weight loss surgery patients.  

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in August 2007 showed that deaths from diabetes were reduced 92% in patients who underwent weight loss surgery, when compared with equally obese people who did not have the surgery.

It is becoming more apparent that weight loss surgery may be the answer to metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.  This revolutionary way of thinking is changing the approach to the management of type 2 diabetes.  Medicines such as insulin and hypoglycemic drugs simply mask the symptoms by keeping blood sugar levels low.  Weight loss surgery has a chance to lead to a cure.

A recent summit was held in Rome, Italy with over two dozen medical organizations to review the evidence of weight loss surgery on diabetes.  The conference participants are expected to release a consensus statement regarding the role of weight loss surgery as a possible treatment for type 2 diabetes.
Several options exist for weight loss surgery and the two most popular are the gastric bypass, and adjustable gastric banding.

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Falling Hair Loss ? Cure It With Simple Scalp Exercise

A receding hairline is the most obvious sign of aging, being on the most prominent location. It is like falling leaves when autumn comes. That’s why most of the middle and advanced aged people suffer from thinning hair. And, to their constant chagrin, most male suffer from this misfortune.

Caring for your hair doesn’t stop with washing and shampooing it. You have to pay equal attention to it in the same manner as you pay to other parts of your body. The hair needs nourishment just like the rest of your system to keep them in place and keep them from moving to your bathroom shower drain.

In your campaign for a healthier body most of the time the hair is not included. You work out every inch of your body, but not the hair. There are no exercises for it anyway, you might think. But decades ago, Sanford Bennett, became a celebrity for experiments that led to his physical rejuvenation at 70. Besides all the exercises he devised to make his face younger and his bodily muscles more robust, he also devised an exercise for a healthier and stronger scalp that could trigger the thicker growth of the hair.

To Bennett, the scalp, just like any other part of the body if exercised, would increase in strength and elasticity. This is because there are microscopic glands and muscles in the scalp. The law that applies in exercising the major muscles of the body also applies to those.

So how does it go? Alternately pull your hair in all directions and massage the scalp with the pads of your fingers while you lie in bed. This will improve the blood circulation and eventually feed the roots of the hair with the nutrients it needed. It also exercises the muscles in the scalp making the muscles stronger, which will logically hold the hair more strongly. And since the blood is pumped through the microscopic glands and muscles in the scalp, they are sure to increase in size, strength and elasticity. This naturally results in much fewer hair falling and healthier-looking hair.

One of the best refreshers for the hair ad the scalp is the alternate washing of hot and cold water. It also accelerates the blood circulation there. Wash the hair first with hot water, as hot as you can bear it. Then follow up with very cold water (but without using ice). Applying hot and cold towels alternately can be a good substitute. This procedure should be repeated at least five or six times.

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Hatha Yoga – A Crowd Favorite Yoga

Increasingly, you may hear about your companions enrolling in Hatha classes at the local gym. In terms of pure popularity, Hatha yoga is number one in the yoga world. As a result, the poses are known well by both beginners and experts. 

Hatha yoga poses are called Asanas. The Asanas are used in combination with meditation and the breathing techniques known as Pranayama. Together they work the body to improve strength and flexibility as well as overall health, which is one of the reasons it is so popular. Hatha is a hybrid of the Sanskrit words “ha” which means “sun” and the word “tha” which means the “moon.” Together, they refer to the way that Hatha’s yoga poses often bring together opposites currents in the system.

Of the eight limbs of yoga, Hatha focuses mostly on the third, which is Asana, and the fourth, which is Pranayama. These pose and posture techniques coupled with the breathing patterns are used to clear out your body’s energy channels, known as the Nadis. This, in turn, removes obstacles that could hamper other limbs helping to improve your well being.

Hatha History

Hatha has been around since 15th century India when a yogic sage, Swami Swatamarama, detailed Hatha Yoga Pradipika, one of the most important yoga texts. The original intent of this form of yoga was to help support relaxation of the body and to support the “contemplation of one reality.” Many of the classic Hatha yoga poses that were used at its inception, in fact, are still in use with it today. According to those first practitioners of Hatha, the postures can lead to the best in not only physical well being, but also the best state of mind you can  possibly attain.

Your Hatha Path

Before beginning your journey into Hatha yoga, you need to be prepared just like with any other form of yoga. There are some basic tips that can help you have an easier, more effective, and safer experience as you begin this original yoga style.

First, remember to breathe normally while you are in and move between each of the poses. Your breaths should be deep and smooth. Try to feel your diaphragm opening and expanding as you switch from one posture to another. Hatha rarely, if ever, uses the shorter and harder yoga breathing, so stay smooth and deep.

Second, do not force any of the stretch positions in Hatha. Start with the easier ones and make sure you are moving easily and naturally into each pose and that you are holding it for 15 to 30 seconds. This will ensure that you get the most out of your yoga and minimize your risk of injury. Be patient with your body and do not attempt the more difficult poses until you are sure you are ready.

Finally, concentrate on your breathing. One of the big focuses in this particular yoga is the breathing which leads to much of the mental health benefits. Use the exercise to relax and become at peace with yourself in the moment. That is what Hatha yoga poses are intended to do for you. 

Hatha has been in practice for over 600 years. Longevity like that is rare even in yoga, and can be a sign of success and true belief. If you are considering this form of yoga as for yourself, then remember: never strain, take the time to make sure you are ready for a given pose, and to concentrate heavily on your breathing. Following these tips will help you to attain the superior mental and physical well being that Hatha is said to provide.

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May 13, 2016

Botox Information Side Effects

What is botox?

Botox is a substance derived from botulinum toxin A which is a neurotoxin that is used clinically in small quantities to treat strabismus and facial spasms and other neurological disorders characterized by abnormal muscle contractions.  Botox is also used by cosmetic surgeons to smooth frown lines temporarily which last for 3-6 months and have to be injected again.

History of botox:

Botulinum toxins were first researched in the late 1960s to treat neurological disorders and for that otox were first approved by the FDA in 1989 to treat eye muscle disorders like blepharospasm, uncontrollable blinking, and strabismus, crossed eyes and even for wrinkles. In 2000, it was approved to treat cervical dystonia which is a disorder that causes severe neck and shoulder contractions and as an unusual side effect of the eye disorder treatment, doctors observed that Botox softened the frown lines between the eyebrows. So botox came into existence.

How does it work?

Every time when you smile, laugh or frown wrinkles are caused by contractions of the delicate underlying facial muscles.  Years and years of making these expressions, thus causing a crease in the skin, makes these creases permanent and for this no eye cream or anti-wrinkle cream can smooth out these wrinkles. And hence botox is injected into the affected area and temporarily paralyzes the muscles so that you cannot make these creases in the skin and due to this you will still have movement which allows you to still look like you, but not enough movement to cause a wrinkle. Taking the botox treatment you will look younger.

How much does botox cost?

Now-a-days many people, both men and women are turning to botox injections as a method of reversing the effects of time on their skin and turning back the clock and due to its increasing popularity it has now become the most affordable and effective wrinkle-reducing option available to the average consumer. Botox injections prices vary. The average cost of botox injections in the United States is $350 and the areas that require single injection such as the area besides the eyes cost $400 to $900. For larger surface areas such as the forehead can cost $600 to $1300 in US.  While in Canada, a single injection can cost from $300 to $500.

Botox Side effects:

If you are pregnant and breast feeding or you are allergic to any ingredients of botox it is recommended by doctor not to go under botox treatment since it may result into any of the problems like headache, flu-like symptoms, facial pain, nausea, double vision, muscle weakness,  temporary eyelid droops,etc.

History Of Botox:

Botox is a derived from botulinum toxin that is botox is a substance injected into the face to smooth wrinkles in the skin by paralyzing the underlying muscles. Hence botox injections are natural purified protein which in very low doses relaxes the overactive muscles that cause frown lines to form. Treatment is simple and non-surgical and smoothes the deep, persistent lines between your brows that have developed over time and it last for 4 to 6 months.

Botulinum toxins were first researched in the late 1960s to treat neurological disorders and for that otox were first approved by the FDA in 1989 to treat eye muscle disorders like blepharospasm, uncontrollable blinking, and strabismus, crossed eyes. In 2000, it was approved to treat cervical dystonia which is a disorder that causes severe neck and shoulder contractions and as an unusual side effect of the eye disorder treatment, doctors observed that Botox softened the frown lines between the eyebrows. So botox came into existence.

In April 2002 due to the FDA Approval, the FDA was satisfied by its review of studies indicating that Botox reduced the severity of frown lines for up to 120 days and approved the drug. It is under review for approval to treatments for disorders like brow furrow, migraine headache, chronic tension headache, upper limb spasticity, juvenile cerebral palsy, and hyperhidrosis. 
Botox has now become the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure performed. In the year 2003 there were 2,272,080 botox injections performed and these botox injections treat the wrinkles that are caused by muscle contraction, such as frown lines, crow's feet, forehead creases, and neck bands. These disorders can be safely and successfully treated with Botox.
Benefits of using botox injections?

Botox injections are a diluted form of botulism which is injected into facial muscles to weaken the muscles that form wrinkles. Botox Cosmetic is purified botulinum toxin and is used to soften facial lines and wrinkles and it also works well for forehead lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines. Botox® Cosmetic is injected into the muscle in these areas and works by weakening the muscle, which in turn lessens the lines of facial expression and you can look years younger without surgery. This results last for 4 to 6 months.

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Natural Beauty Treatments at Home - Making Your Own Skin And Hair Treatments

The quest for beautiful skin and hair is prevalent among women. You can make inexpensive, natural beauty and hair treatments from ingredients you have in your home that will perform just as well or better than products you purchase in the store.

If you only have one natural beauty remedy in your pantry, make it Olive Oil. It's extremely versatile and can be used on every part of your body.

Olive oil is excellent for removing mascara. It's much better than petroleum jelly or baby oil and is beneficial to the skin around your eyes.

Use a few drops of olive oil in warm water for a wonderful at-home manicure. Apply your favorite lotion afterwards to lock in the moisture.

Beeswax and olive oil melted and poured into a small tin makes wonderful lip balm that will keep your lips soft and smooth.

Dry feet can be healed after one night of this treatment. Before bed, rub olive oil into your dry, cracked feet. Do not rinse. Then, put a cozy pair of socks on and go to sleep. Your feet will drink in the moisture and feel much better by morning.

Add a few drops of olive oil to your bath water for the best skin softener you can imagine. And, if you're feeling extra decadent, then add a few drops of essential oil for a natural aromatherapy bath.

A very small amount of olive oil applied to dry hair will condition and get rid of frizz. This is a great leave-in conditioner.

Olive oil can also work as a shaving cream for men with sensitive skin.

Don't buy those expensive Sea Salt Scrubs. Make your own. Just add sea salt to olive oil and you've got a sea salt scrub that will feel like heaven. Add a drop of essential oils if you'd like your scrub scented.

Please use caution when using olive oil in your bathtub as it will get quite slippery and you don't want to fall.

It is not necessary to pay a lot of money for beauty treatment products. The things you have in your very own kitchen can often be the best beauty products available.
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4 Tips on How to Treat Adult Acne Causes

Lots of people are unaware of the fact that adult acne exists and they seem not to know how to treat adult acne. People have this misconception that acne only happens during teenage years and gradually wears off as they age. For most people, this fact may be true but it is important to note that acne does not start during teenage years only. However, it is important to note that there are a significant number of adults that experience such condition.

There are lots of reasons why a person develops adult acne. But, it is important to take note that majority of the people that suffers from this condition are those who also experienced acne problems during their teens. It is also important to remember that the treatment for this is not the same when you were in your teens since your skin is already different from how it used to be. Because of this, here are some tips on how to treat adult acne.

Tips on How to Treat Adult Acne causes

1.    First, buy a reputable over the counter acne treatment product. OTC products could easily treat mild acne breakouts. Nowadays, there are lots of acne treatments that are available in the market. But, you need to be aware if the product is safe to use or not. Some products were proven ineffective and might have harsh elements that could further damage your skin. If you were afraid to buy random products, it would be best to consult your dermatologist. This will ensure that the product suits your skin type as well. Or, you may ask for recommendations from friends and family members who encountered a similar case of acne like yours. Or, you may do your own research on the product’s way of how to treat adult acne.

2.    Second, for serious breakout and if OTC products do not seem to work undergo cosmetic procedures in a reputable derma clinic. Cosmetic procedures such as microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing are some of the common procedures how to treat adult acne. Keep in mind that these procedures should be done using clean materials so it would be best to visit a reputable clinic.

3.    Third, never squeeze your acne! A lot of adults have this desire to squeeze or prick their zits on their own which could cause further damage due to scars. Never ever do that because squeezing will only push the infection deep into the skin.

4.    Fourth, eat healthy foods. In order to flush away toxins that could cause acne, you need to drink lots of water and eat fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that well-hydrated skin has better chances to rejuvenate rather than dry skin. Also, try to live a healthy lifestyle by having a well-rested body. Keep in mind that stress is one of the causes of acne as well so it really pays if you get your eight-hours worth of sleep per day.

There are other tips that could help how to treat adult acne but these are some of the basic things that you need to follow. Try one tip after the other and surely, you will be able to find something that will work for you.

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12 Simple Tips to look beautiful and healthy

Beauty is an essence. Looking beautiful means having one of the most comforts of life. Looking beautiful means get noticed. And who don’t’ want to be noticed. The word ‘beauty’ has a number of synonyms, cute, smart, gorgeous, handsome, and good looking sexy, stylish and after all beautiful.

When we use word beauty or beautiful, it clearly indicates our inclination towards something or object which we like the most. Nature is most beautiful object we have in which we exist in general. The word beautiful is a feminine word. When we listen the word beauty or beautiful, we assume a pretty, cool, charming and good-looking face. Boys or men don’t need to be beautiful rather they need to be handsome.

No matter either you are a cool pretty girl / woman or a handsome boy / man; you must need to be smart, intelligent, and diligent.  Your smartness, intelligence and diligence all reflect in your personality. And your personality depends on the fact that how you carry yourself and how you associate with the objects or persons around you. Your personality is the integration of your body, mind and soul. Rather you are a big-hearted person having a high degree of IQ. And the amalgamation of beauty with your mind and soul make you a being of get noticed. And who don’t want that.

A well groomed child get noticed in his or her prep class, a handsome is get noticed in playgrounds, a sexy lace is get noticed some time on the streets and some time on the discos. A smart and bold person is get noticed in the society. A smart / beautiful manager is get noticed in board meetings. 

It means beauty has its place everywhere, it makes its’ place, it exists. It exists in every being. Some time it didn’t look even though it is there. This is because the person is not taking care of his / her body i.e. skin, nails, eyes, hair, etc. 

Taking care of your body means taking care of your self and for that you don’t need to put extra effort, you don’t need to put extra hour of your work schedule. Only you need to put is the minimum required attention. You need to regulate your life style, you need to discover the ways of living, and you need to monitor yourself with proper care.

How do you do that?

Here are few tips that make you a noticeable personality in the crowd and your body healthy, sexy and overall beautiful.

1. Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water everyday, having more water means feeling less hungry, consuming less food and hence being fit in shape and always looks energetic. 
2. You can drink water in a regular interval of half an hour or so, while in office or traveling long, keep you water bottle with you. 
3. Take balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and good fats.
4. Cut on calories; don’t take food that gives high calories and fewer nutrients.
5. Nutrients are necessary to keep you away from sickness and thus helps in being beautiful
6. Take some beet root, cut into small pieces and grind. Squeeze it and massage your face for 5 minutes with beetroot juice. Wash / shower after 10 minutes with mild soap or gram flour. You will feel relaxed and your face will glow. 
7. Mix honey in water, and drink it daily in the morning. This will keep your skin shiney and smooth.
8. Massage your body with milk. Moisturizer in the milk will keep your skin smooth and healthy.
9. Keep room temperature moderate, using humidifiers. This will keep you skin away from dryness.
10. If you take shower too long or a bit long, the dead skin of your body automatically gets removed. Don’t rub your body with towel. Be gentle on your skin.
11. If you go out in the sun, your skins will loss its fairness. Take cucumber juice and tomato juice and apply it to your skin, shower after 10 minutes.  This will make your skin fair.
12. Take rose petals, and grind them. Mix with cream on the top of milk. Shower after 10 minutes.

So take a little care of your body and stay healthy, handsome, beautiful, smart, and bold.
Get noticed!!!
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